the nerd you want around

Other Work

Look. You and I both know work looks better when it has a big name behind it. That doesn't mean this other work is without merit! So check it out. Keep an open mind like your mama always told you. 

Some of the work I'm most proud of hasn't been published. This includes videos on Sikh women in college and the Ethiopian community in the North Chicago area. I've also reported on homeless youth in the Chicagoland and those who help them and on an Eritrean immigrant who went from a soccer star on the Ethiopian communist national team to taxi driver and father to four American girls. If you want to see this work, let me know

Oh, and the thumbnail for this page you just clicked on? A pic of me and my homeboy Barney Frank.

It's a Date


Overflow Action Days

Myself and two others worked with Chicago-based organization Friends of the Chicago River to create a video on their Overflow Action Days campaign. We listened to their initial goals, took in their feedback at multiple points in the process, and produced from beginning to an a video which would educate the public and promote the campaign. 

Dial Up

These guys turned a friendship into one of the most popular DJ/art collectives on campus. Actually, I would say THE most popular.